Emma Stewart
Emma is responsible for overseeing the development of the education programmes, as well as helping to ensure their implementation.
Emma enjoys working closely with teachers in the classroom to generate more creative approaches to learning.
Priscilla Iroku
Priscilla is responsible for the finance, administration, HR and general management of Turning Leaves.
Joseph Ekure
Joseph is our community worker. This involves working with parents to ensure children attend our programmes, and generally making sure that we are supporting children and their families in a holistic way. Joseph also liaises with the local authorities, to make sure we are adhering to guidelines and are known in the community.
John Mwanamoize
John is our principal (self-employed) boda (motorbike) taxi driver. He transports staff and resources around Mbale, including buying food and materials for Turning Leaves. Namabasa is his ancestral village and is where he lives with his wife, children and extended family.
To be appointed
Turning Leaves intend appointing a teacher to support Emma, who will not only require to teach children but also to mentor visiting nursery teachers.
We aim to raise £200 per month regular giving to pay the teacher’s salary, including National Insurance and Income Tax.
We intend paying our staff well, and above the national average. A typical salary for a nursery school teacher outside of Kampala is £40-60 per month, which even in Uganda is not enough to live on.